Holy Slut

Holy Slut

Best Short Documentary Fred Mascaras France, Documentary, 8'24''

Holy Slut, a young graffiti woman who was sexually abused at the age of 13, wanders alone through the locked-down streets of Albi (France), feverishly scribbling fragments of her story on walls around the city as she attempts to disentangle the knotted threads of her existence and free herself from a past that weighs heavily on her present.

Holy Slut
Film block: Archive block
Дворец на културата, Зала А2, Перник, България
  • Language
  • Country France
  • Genre Documentary
  • Scriptwriter Fred MASCARAS
  • Producer Fred MASCARAS
  • Year of creation 2021
  • Duration 8'24''
Fred Mascaras
Director Fred Mascaras

Boom operator and sound engineer, Fred Mascaras worked for 15 years in the film industry around the world, before getting back to his hometown for 10 years to raise his son. During this interlude, he directed and produced advertising videos as well as documentary and experimental short films. His most recent short, Sainte Chienne (Holy Slut) is his first film to reach the big screen.

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