FILMER FORGE PITCH 2024 Selected projects

FILMER FORGE PITCH 2024 Selected projects

We are announcing all the projects that have been selected for this year's FILMER FORGE PITCH!

Check the list:

Chimney Sweep / dir. and prod. Nastimir Tzatchev
Creatures of the night / dir. Simona Evstatievа / prod. Sofia Pavlova
Freckles / dir. Neven Nikolova / prod. Emajick Productions Ltd.
Gadje / dir. Georges Vanev / prod. Noemie Duclos, Nevena Semova
God, Are You There? / dir. Nikola Radulovikj / prod. ROBO Lab
Not To Be / dir. Gabriela Pometkova / prod. Ivelina Pavlova
On the Road / dir. Valya Pavlova / prod. Teodora Nancheva
Pig Fight / dir. Zlatina Teneva / prod. Ralista Golemanova
Scrambled Eggs / dir. Daniel Varbanov / prod. sfkcollective
The Granny / dir. Aleksandra Trayanova, Kalina Dimitrova / prod. 
The Lame Dog of Antarctica / dir. Stefan Voyvodov / prod. Dekidis Films, Eleni Dekidis, Juliana Chalakova
The Savior / dir. Mina Kraycheva / prod. Motivator EOOD, Mina Kraycheva, Immerse FX

Congratulations to all!