FILMER FORGE PITCH 2024 Selected projects

We are announcing all the projects that have been selected for this year's FILMER FORGE PITCH!
Check the list:
Chimney Sweep / dir. and prod. Nastimir Tzatchev
Creatures of the night / dir. Simona Evstatievа / prod. Sofia Pavlova
Freckles / dir. Neven Nikolova / prod. Emajick Productions Ltd.
Gadje / dir. Georges Vanev / prod. Noemie Duclos, Nevena Semova
God, Are You There? / dir. Nikola Radulovikj / prod. ROBO Lab
Not To Be / dir. Gabriela Pometkova / prod. Ivelina Pavlova
On the Road / dir. Valya Pavlova / prod. Teodora Nancheva
Pig Fight / dir. Zlatina Teneva / prod. Ralista Golemanova
Scrambled Eggs / dir. Daniel Varbanov / prod. sfkcollective
The Granny / dir. Aleksandra Trayanova, Kalina Dimitrova / prod.
The Lame Dog of Antarctica / dir. Stefan Voyvodov / prod. Dekidis Films, Eleni Dekidis, Juliana Chalakova
The Savior / dir. Mina Kraycheva / prod. Motivator EOOD, Mina Kraycheva, Immerse FX
Congratulations to all!