The rhino is looking forward to his date with the rhino lady.

- Language
- Country Germany
- Genre Animation
- Cinematographer Julia Ocker
- Scriptwriter Julia Ocker
- Producer Thomas Meyer-Hermann
- Music Christian Heck, Sumophonic
- Editor Julia Ocker
- Animation Eliza Plocieniak-Alvarez, Sofiia Melnyk
- Year of creation 2022
- Duration 03’37’’
Julia Ocker is an animation director, designer aund author from Stuttgart. She studied Visual
Communciation in Pforzheim and Cairo from 2003 to 2005 and Animation at the
Filmakademie in Baden-Württemberg from 2006.Her Graduation film "Kellerkind" won the
First Steps Awards 2012, the Tricky Women Prize 2013 and was nominated for the 2014
Annie Awards.
Julia discovered her passion for children's movies as she had the opportunity to produce five
short films with Studio FILM BILDER for the SWR series, "I know an Animal". From these five
short films her own series "Animanimals" was created, it then went on to be shown on KiKa
and sold to more tham 180 international territories. As every episode works as a short film
they have run in many festivals worldwide and won more than 70 awards. Animanimals won
the 2019 Grimme-Preis in the children's film category and was nominated for an
International Emmy.
In the Shadow of the Cypress
Hossein Molayemi, Shirin Sohani Iran, Animation, 19‘33‘‘