Bye Bye Benz Benz
While the Moroccan state has been instituting a scrappage scheme for old Moroccan cabs since 2016, Kbir is one of the few drivers still attached to his old Mercedes 240.
- Language
- Country France
- Genre Documentary
- Cinematographer Mamoun Rtal Bennani, Jules Rouffio
- Scriptwriter Mamoun Rtal Bennani, Jules Rouffio
- Producer Saïd Hamich Benlarbi
- Editor Laura Rius
- Year of creation 2023
- Duration 09’30’’

Born in Casablanca in 1988, Mamoun Rtal Bennani began photography as an autodidact. He cultivated his passion by specializing in the 19th century techniques before the appearance of the first cameras. In 2008, he began a degree in architecture in Paris which he finished in 2013. He then decided to return to his native country where he allies photography, architecture and agriculture.
Jules Rouffio was born in Paris in 1990. After an agricultural formation, Jules gets interested in photography during his many travels. He meets Mamoun Rtal Bennani, Moroccan photographer, with whom he realizes a series of photographic works about the old Mercedes cabs of the Kingdom of Morocco. This series is the source of the short film BYE BYE BENZ BENZ.
Filming Under Fire: John Ford’s OSS Field Photo Branch
Dan Gagliasso USA, Documentary, 21:45 -