Rita Capucho

Rita Capucho
Rita Capucho is one of the founders and co-director of Porto Femme - International Film Festival, programme director of Femme Sessions and Shortcutz Aveiro.

Rita Capucho is one of the founders and co-director of Porto Femme - International Film Festival, programme director of Femme Sessions and Shortcutz Aveiro. She works as a producer, curator, project manager and trainer for various cultural organisations. She is a coordinator and trainer for the Cinamiza-te project, which trains young people in cinema. She has been a jury member at various international film festivals.
She is a founder and member of the board of MUTIM - Association of Women Workers of the Moving Image.
PhD student in Communication and Activism at Lusófona University. She has a degree and a master's degree in Artistic Studies from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra. She is a member of the working group Artistic Currents and Intellectual Movements of CEIS20 - Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century at the University of Coimbra. She is part of the research project "SPECULUM - Filming Yourself and Seeing Yourself in the Mirror: The use of self-writing by Portuguese-speaking documentary makers".
She is one of the organisers of Poetry Slam Aveiro and one of the coordinators of Plataforma Portugal Slam.
She has published several works in magazines and collections and most recently in the book "Reconstituição Portuguesa".
She was one of the founding members of AVANCA | CINEMA - International Conference Cinema - Art, Technology, Communication, and also of the International Journal of Cinema, where she worked as an editorial producer.
She was a programmer at the Dolce Vita Cinema in Ovar, the “Quintas de Cinema” at the Cine-Teatro in Estarreja and “Os Filmes das Nossas Terças” at the Teatro Aveirense.