Официална селекция

Официална селекция

  • The pileup

    The pileup Spain, Fiction, 12'34''

    Angustias is an elderly widow who lives a sad and dull life because she misses her late husband.
    One day he receives a mysterious package and when he opens it he finds inside a strange object
    that he has never seen. With the help of her friends, she will try to find out what "the pileup" is for. 

  • Daewit

    David Jansen Germany, Animation, 15'00''

    Daewit is rescued from his violent father and grows up far away from his family among wolves. embarking on a mysterious journey to find his own identity, he encounters great hardship but ultimately finds peace in forgiveness.

    Archive block
  • Duality

    Yasaman Afshar France, Fiction, 11’9’’

    Maryam, fleeing her restrictive life in Tehran for Paris, finds courage and liberation in dance, challenging her past by publicly sharing her art despite the potential fallout.

  • Coach Pancake

    Gabriel Olson United States, Documentary, 6:00

    Former soccer star Andres, lovingly named “Coach Pancake” by his students, finds his calling training six-year-olds to find their superpowers on and off the field.

    Mixed Perspectives
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