


Germany , 2020, 37'53''
Director: Christian Falsnaes
Producer: Christian Falsnaes
Cinematographer: Harald Mellwig
Composer: Bendik Giske
Editor: Sebastian Krügler

Synopsis: Director Christian Falsnaes and actress Minni Katina Mertens stage a series of performances at an open air festival, a film studio, an art fair, and a night club. LOOK AT ME explores power relations between performer, viewer, and camera, and documents the slippery slope between participation and compliance, entertainment and submission.

Watch this and many more films of 18th IN THE PALACE (27 FEB - 06 MAR 2021) here:

Director: Christian Falsnaes
Christian Falsnaes (born 1980 in Copenhagen) is a Danish artist living and working in Berlin, Germany. Through film and performance, his practice deals with group dynamics, authority, hierarchies and social rituals. His film ICON (2018) was screened at Prospectif Cinéma, Centre Pompidou, Paris; Video Art at Midnight, Berlin, and Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld. FEED (2017) premiered as a part of Future Generations Art Prize at the 57th Venice Biennale and his video-installation MOVING IMAGES (2015) was exhibited at Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin and Bienal de Performance, Buenos Aires.

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