


Poland , 2019, 6'28''
Director: Marcjanna Urbańska
Producer: Agata Golanska
Writer: Marcjanna Urbańska
Animation: Marcjanna Urbańska, Ewa Sztefka
Composer: Ewa Kędzierska

Synopsis: Guilt is a story about the difficult relationship of a mother and daughter. A childhood full of love is confronted with a parent's depression. Although on a daily basis she is a loving mother, alcohol turns her into a wolf. During her transformation, she becomes unpredictable, losing her humanity. Full of metaphors and sensitivity, the story leads us through the child’s difficult experiences.

Watch this and many more films of 18th IN THE PALACE (27 FEB - 06 MAR 2021) here:

Director: Marcjanna Urbańska
Marcjanna Urbanska - 3rd year student of Animation and special effects at the operational department at the Lodz Film School. She works as a graphic designer and illustrator.

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