Film Programme

Portugal, 2009, 10'
Director: M. F. Costa e Silva
Producer: Antonio C. Valente
Director of photography: Francisco Vidinha
Writer: Luis Diogo
Composer: Fernando Rocha
Editor: Carlos Silva and Filipe Ribeiro
Synopsis: There’s one clock, a bank card and a lighter. A promising meeting but where the clock, at last, makes his mark the hour in which someone dies.
Director: M. F. Costa e Silva
M. F. Costa e Silva was born in Porto-Portugal, in 1954. He have study cinema in Porto Superior Artistic School (ESAP), and Multimedia in the Santarém Superior School (ESES). In the moment he prepares the Doctorate in Cinema, in the Trás-os-Montes/ Alto Douro University of Portugal. He is Professor of audiovisual and screenplay in the Cine-Video and photography of ESAP, and Audiovisuals Technologies in the Jean Piaget Superior Institute. He is the director of the Oporto Superior Cinema School - ESAP. He has worked as screenwriter and director of some films productions and some films co-productions.